Peak Era Wellness

Barefoot to Chi Running A Great Conversation with Eric Deeter!

Eric has his podcast, which he calls the ultra marathon mindset because he’s a mindset coach who completed the life coach training and aspired to be a well-known life coach. Eric believes that the attitude of an ultramarathoner is the kind of mindset that a person needs to change their life, which is what happened to him.

A life coach provides encouragement and advice to clients on various work and social difficulties. They are giving guidance, consulting, counseling, mentoring, and offering treatment are not the same as life coaching. A coach is hired to assist you with specific career projects, personal goals, and transitions.

Eric had many limiting beliefs that he eventually got rid of when he started running/training for running. Neutralizing his own negative limiting beliefs helped him break through and become the marathon runner he is today. Eric has run incredibly long distances, and his longest is a hundred miles.

Then Eric talks about how he improved his mindset. He claims to be a self-improvement fanatic and understands his own mistakes in his journey. He read many books and was subconsciously aware of what he had to do. However, Eric grew up believing that he’s not supposed to be a winner who excels at everything. He was good at tennis and ping pong and was aware that he was as good as his opponents, but he’d usually lose because he didn’t push hard or believe he needed to win. This belief affected his success, finances, and career. That was his life because of his limiting beliefs.

Eric knew he had to change and tried losing weight and started with walking and cycling. A change in habits was his focus, and he started losing weight, and these baby steps helped him shift his mindset. That year, an archery competition came down to the final four, including him. While his limiting beliefs told him that this is where he had messed up, he stopped himself and said, “Wait, I’m not that guy anymore” he then pushed and remained focused until he won the trophy.

After winning the trophy, Eric told himself that this was what he needed. He learned that if you tell your mind it’s important to win, you’ll only push through. Many people don’t succeed how they want because of their mindset. They think winning isn’t important. Many people also downplay their desire to win, calling it arrogant or cocky. If you downplay it, you’re telling your brain it’s not important, then you won’t focus or even push through.

Eric then talks about running barefoot, which he started to help grow his mindset. It took him three months of practice to get his feet comfortable enough for running barefoot. The practice of running without shoes, often known as “natural running,” is known as barefoot running. Running barefoot has been less frequent in most regions of the world since the invention of modern footwear. It has proven to have great benefits for his physical and mental well-being. 

All of this and much more have been discussed in the podcast, and you can follow Eris on his Instagram @EricDeter.

For a detailed podcast on the topic, make sure to subscribe to us at Apple Music and Spotify @RunThriveSurvive by Ciara Carter. I offer coaching services too and you can reach out to me at or

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