About Me

It takes Gut’s for Good Mental Health
In this episode, our guest Melissa Bloom will be discussing the importance of gut health and its effect on the...

Oh poop! what does it tell us about our gut?
Dr. Tenesha is the founder and director of Infinity Wellness Medical Center. Her main goal is to help people achieve...

What is the Cholesterol Myth?
Stefan Hartman mandates the consumption of real food for better mental health. According to him, it is an animal-based diet...

How to be Financially Fit
In this episode, we will be discussing how the dynamics of financial activities have changed from one generation to another....

3 Ways To Adapt to Heat
You may have already heard of these three ways and just need a reminder, but adapting to the heat can...

3 Things you May not be doing for sleep:
There are so many things you can read about that will help you fall asleep faster or easier at night....

THRIVING: The Myth Guided Mind || with Mike Hynes
This episode is all about the importance of connecting with others and building meaningful relationships. There is a discussion about...

The #1 Data Point to Focus on
The #1 Data Point to Focus on Is exactly what you are trying to measure! We get so tied up...

4 Things that May Happen When You Lose Weight
Losing weight is difficult on its own, but when things start to happen that we weren’t aware of going into,...