Peak Era Wellness

Tools For you Mental and Physical Health

Hi there!

Here are a few of my favorite things below. They are grouped by things I believe everyone needs for their

-Physical Health

-Mental Health

-Mental Wellness

Please do not get mental health and mental wellness mixed up as these two are very different. I believe in self-care but I do not believe that is going to help you manage your emotions in every moment. Mental health tools I have gathered are to help you work through your thoughts and mental wellness is more in the wellness category that will help you relax.

<3 Ciara

Physical Health

Mental Health

Mental Wellness


Body Keeps the Score

Million Dollar Weekend

Thursday is the New Friday

Favorite Running Gear

Mini Bands

Code: CIARA20 for 20% off

Nathan Sport Hydration Pack

Code: CC10 fo 10% off

Cani-mend CBD Cream

Code: RTS25 for 25% off