Peak Era Wellness


What role does behavior analysis play in health and fitness?

Nick Green is the owner of Behaviorfit, a business focused in helping people improve their health and fitness through the means of behavior analysis!  Ciara (CC): Nick, what is behavior analysis and how does it differ from the other types of psychology? Nick Green (NG): We’re looking at behavior being a function of. The environment

What role does behavior analysis play in health and fitness? Read More »

Dying of Laughter: How Comedy Helps Grief with Chelsea Lloyd

Chelsea Lloyd is a comedian and grief activist who incorporates humor into grief for her clients to cope with their pain. Her podcast is called ‘Dying for Laughter’ She spent 2020-2021 producing comedic and grief content for notable entertainment organizations such as Buzzfeed. Chelsea navigated her way around the mixing of humor and despair in

Dying of Laughter: How Comedy Helps Grief with Chelsea Lloyd Read More »

How to Prevent Running Injuries & Barefoot Running with Peter Francis

Peter started running at 15, and it amazed him how that impacted his mind and body. This feeling led him to study sports science. He also has three science degrees, is an experienced practitioner and a course instructor. On top of this, he has written a book on running without getting injured. Peter experienced heightened

How to Prevent Running Injuries & Barefoot Running with Peter Francis Read More »