Peak Era Wellness


What role does behavior analysis play in health and fitness?

Nick Green is the owner of Behaviorfit, a business focused in helping people improve their health and fitness through the means of behavior analysis!  Ciara (CC): Nick, what is behavior analysis and how does it differ from the other types of psychology? Nick Green (NG): We’re looking at behavior being a function of. The environment

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What Do Content Creators Do for their Sanity? with Ana Xavier

In this episode, Ana Xavier is a content creator who helps entrepreneurs identify their professional goals and set up their podcasts. Her journey as a creator & gardening for her exercise Ana Xavier is from Portugal, and she has a background in digital marketing. She is also the founder of the podcast space and helps

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Collagen 101: Why You Should Take Bubs Naturals Collagen with Sean Lake

Sean Lake I s a proud father, snowboarder, and business owner living in Encinitas California. He is the owner of Bubs naturals, with a powerful story behind it.  His unusual path to success brought him on many adventures and success, such as being a sponsored snowboarder and working on Sean Whites team, but he doesn’t

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How to Prevent Running Injuries & Barefoot Running with Peter Francis

Peter started running at 15, and it amazed him how that impacted his mind and body. This feeling led him to study sports science. He also has three science degrees, is an experienced practitioner and a course instructor. On top of this, he has written a book on running without getting injured. Peter experienced heightened

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Anxiety is OKAY!…. but how do we manage it in a healthy way? with Heather Parady

Let’s start off by saying “it’s okay to not be okay” This might be the most important message of the entire podcast! Heather joins in on the beautiful community to discuss generalized anxiety, what she does how she gets around it, and how she doesn’t allow it to get in her way of a beautiful

Anxiety is OKAY!…. but how do we manage it in a healthy way? with Heather Parady Read More »

Inside Tips to a Thriving Relationship With Kemar and DeAnne

Love is a tricky thing. And that’s because real-life situations are often far more complicated than what we’re led to believe by every other cheesy rom-com on Netflix (god, I wish they would stop making those). In reality, loving someone is not easy and requires a multitude of sacrifices by both people to make it

Inside Tips to a Thriving Relationship With Kemar and DeAnne Read More »

THRIVING: Finding Power in Silent Retreats and Meditation With Ken Kladouris

Communication has always been an integral aspect of human progress and has never been more critical than today. One of the most essential communication mediums in the 21st Century is memes. And one of our favorite memes is a relatively simple one. It consists of a picture of a sandwich. Above and below the sandwich

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What is Dialectical Behavioral Therapy? with Sadie Sutton

Saddie is an 18-year-old psychology student currently enrolled at the University of Pennsylvania. She is an aspiring clinical psychologist and in her freshman year of college. Her interests lie around therapy and understanding mindfulness to improve mental health.  Her first encounter with deteriorating mental health occurred when she was in 8th grade and during her

What is Dialectical Behavioral Therapy? with Sadie Sutton Read More »

Finding Your Purpose Can Save Your Life With Kellan Fluckiger

Kellan Fluckiger is a 65-year-old life and business coach from Edmonton, Alberta. His main goal is to focus on helping people understand their sense of self, achieve their entrepreneurial goals and offer life-changing advice. Kellen writes books and creates music to help those under this mentorship find a purpose in life. He has successfully published

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Selfcare is better than Healthcare With Erin D’Elia

Erin is an intuitive lifestyle coach, meditation teacher, and chef. She provides encouragement and advice to clients on various personal and professional difficulties. Giving guidance, consulting, coaching, mentoring, and offering treatment is not the same as life coaching. Erin can be hired to assist you with specific career projects, personal goals, and transitions. She connects

Selfcare is better than Healthcare With Erin D’Elia Read More »

Barefoot to Chi Running A Great Conversation with Eric Deeter!

Eric has his podcast, which he calls the ultra marathon mindset because he’s a mindset coach who completed the life coach training and aspired to be a well-known life coach. Eric believes that the attitude of an ultramarathoner is the kind of mindset that a person needs to change their life, which is what happened

Barefoot to Chi Running A Great Conversation with Eric Deeter! Read More »